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Analysis of Celebrations, Heroes, Quality Street and Roses reveals how to get favourite chocolates


How to pick a chocolate tub that suits your family: Study analysing contents of Celebrations, Heroes, Quality Street and Roses reveals how to avoid missing out on your favourites

  • An analysis of chocolate selection tubs has revealed how to get favourite sweets
  • Celebrations, Heroes, Quality Street and Roses were all analysed for the study
  • Which? recommended 600g or 650g tubs represented best value for money 







As we all know, Christmas is a time for caring and sharing.

However, such basic components of human interaction can often be tested when the selection tub comes out.

Now a study has revealed how you can avoid family squabbles that arise when one of you misses out on your favourite – with a complete breakdown of what you’re likely to find in each tub. 

Consumer group Which? analysed the contents of 600-650 gram tubs of Celebrations, Heroes, Quality Street and Roses – and established the code of the spread of treats inside.

Consumer group Which? analysed the contents of 600-650 gram tubs of Celebrations, Heroes, Quality Street and Roses – and established the code of the spread of treats inside

In the average Mars Celebrations tub, Snickers and Milky Ways outnumbered Galaxy chocolates by two to one.

Meanwhile, there were almost twice as many Eclairs and Fudges in a tub of Cadbury’s Heroes than Twirls or Wispas. Quality Street had more than double the number of Pink Fudges – nine – than Green Triangles and Orange Crunches, which averaged four in a tub.

And in a tub of Cadbury’s Roses, Dairy Milks proliferated by the same ratio against Fudge and Truffles, with nine Dairy Milks against four each of the two other treats.

Mars Wrigley said Celebrations (pictured) were ¿carefully designed¿ by ¿experts¿ to make them perfect for sharing

Mars Wrigley said Celebrations (pictured) were ¿carefully designed¿ by ¿experts¿ to make them perfect for sharing

Mars Wrigley said Celebrations (pictured) were ‘carefully designed’ by ‘experts’ to make them perfect for sharing

The disparity led to a warning from a leading education expert Professor Alan Smithers, director of the Centre for Education and Employment Research at Buckingham University. He said: ‘Children have a sharp sense of fairness and a sensible parent would get them to share out the chocolates equally.

‘If there aren’t equal numbers, you can see that disputes might arise. It would make sense for chocolate manufacturers to think about this.’ Which? said its research could allow lovers of different types of chocolates to opt for a particular selection tub to suit their tastes. Fans of nutty chocolates might opt for a box of Celebrations due to the high number of Snickers.

Although the tubs come in a range of sizes, Which? recommends 600g or 650g tubs as they represent best value for money.

Nestle said Quality Street tubs are divided into three categories – fruits, toffees and fudge – and that it tried to give each an equal share. Mars Wrigley said Celebrations were ‘carefully designed’ by ‘experts’ to make them perfect for sharing. Cadbury was contacted for comment.

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