At annual summit, new programs and request to prioritize tech for Haiti


Haiti’s electricity agency first installed prepaid meters in 2021 — 19 years after they were available. The delay shows how much Haiti’s leaders lag behind in bringing technology to the country, said Christine Coupet Jacques, chief executive officer of DAGMAR, a marketing agency based in Port-au-Prince. 

From transportation to digital payment systems, new technologies could improve Haitians’ day-to-day quality of life, but left undone, the country will never catch up digitally, Coupet Jacques and other speakers said during the fifth edition of Haiti Tech Summit (HTS) Dec. 10.

“They won’t be able to connect with the rest of the world if the government doesn’t step up,” Jacques said during a panel. “Any government that comes next will have no choice but to have technology at the top of their agenda.”

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