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Death Toll Rises To Nine In Astroworld Festival Tragedy


Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival unexpectedly turned into a tragedy on Friday night as it left eight people dead and hundreds more injured. Unfortunately, the number of deaths as a result of the incident has increased to nine after a 22-year-old woman who spent the past six days in the ICU passed away as a result of her injuries. Bharti Shahani’s death was confirmed by her family during a press conference on Thursday after previous reports revealed that she was showing no brain activity.

Her mother, Karishma Shahani, broke into tears as she remembered her daughter during the conference. “What happened to my blessing now,” she said. “I want my baby back. I won’t be able to live without her. It’s impossible.” Bharti’s father, Sunny Shahani, added, “Please make sure she gets justice and I don’t want somebody else’s daughter to go like this. It was the wrong day and wrong time for her.” Bharti, who was a student at Texas A&M University, had been on a ventilator since Friday night after her brain was deprived of oxygen and she suffered multiple heart attacks as a result of being crushed in the crowd at Astroworld.

Travis Scott and his team recently issued a statement to the families of Astroworld victims. “Travis Scott and his team have been actively exploring routes of connection with each and every family affected by the tragedy through the appropriate liaisons,” a press release read. “He is distraught by the situation and desperately wishes to share his condolences and provide aid to them as soon as possible, but wants to remain respectful of each family’s wishes on how they’d best like to be connected.”

The message concluded by asking the victim’s families to email [email protected] if they would like to reach out directly to his team.

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