Don’t mistake OpenAI Codex for a programmer



In a new paper, researchers at OpenAI have revealed details about Codex, a deep learning model that generates software source code. Codex powers Copilot, an “AI pair programmer” tool developed jointly by OpenAI and GitHub. Copilot is currently available in beta test mode to a limited number of users.

The paper is a fascinating read that explains the process through which the scientists at OpenAI managed to repurpose their flagship language model GPT-3 to create Codex. But more importantly, the paper also sheds much-needed light on how far you can trust deep learning in programming.

The “no free lunch” theorem

Codex is a descendent of GPT-3, a massive deep learning language model release last year. The complexity of deep learning models is often measured by the number of parameters they have. In general, a model’s learning capacity increases with the number of parameters. GPT-3 came with 175 billion parameters, more than two orders of magnitude larger than its predecessor, GPT-2 (1.5 billion parameters). GPT-3 was trained on more than 600 gigabytes, more than 50 times larger than GPT-2’s training dataset.

Aside from the huge increase in size, the main innovation of GPT-3 was “few-shot learning,” the capability to perform tasks it wasn’t trained for. The paper that introduced GPT-3 was titled “Language Models are Few-Shot Learners” and stated: “Here we show that scaling up language models greatly improves task-agnostic, few-shot performance [emphasis mine], sometimes even reaching competitiveness with prior state-of-the-art fine-tuning approaches.”

Basically, the premise was a large-enough model trained on a large corpus of text can match or outperform several models that are specialized for specific tasks.

But according to the new paper by OpenAI, none of the various versions of GPT-3 were able to solve any of the coding problems used to evaluate Codex. To be fair, there were no coding samples in GPT-3’s training dataset, so we can’t expect it to be able to code. But the OpenAI scientists also tested GPT-J, a 6 billion-parameter model trained on The Pile, an 800-gigabyte dataset that includes 95 gigabytes of GitHub and 32 gigabytes of StackExchange data. Opesolved 11.4 percent of the coding problems. Codex, a version of GPT-3’s 12-billion parameter fine-tuned on 159 gigabytes of code examples from GitHub, solved 28.8 percent of the problems. A separate version of Codex, called Codex-S, which was fine-tuned through supervised learning boosted the performance to 37.7 percent (other GPT and Codex models are trained through unsupervised learning).