Haiti fuel explosion deaths rise daily, death toll now at 90



CAP-HAITIEN — The death toll of the Dec. 14 fuel tanker explosion in Cap-Haitien has risen to 90, Cap-Haitien Deputy Mayor Patrick Almonor said at a recent press conference.

Sixty-three people died at the scene and another 27 so far have succumbed to injuries while in the hospital, Almonor said Dec. 20.

“Everyday you wake up, one or two people leave us,” Almonor said.

Twenty injured were still being treated at various area hospitals. Victims were transported to Justinien University Hospital, Haiti’s Baptist Convention Hospital in Cap-Haitien and to health facilities in Port-au-Prince, Hinche and Mirebalais.

A national funeral was held at Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Cap-Haitien Tuesday by Archbishop Launay Saturné.


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