Haiti fuel tanker explosion death toll rises to 75, national funeral to be planned



The death toll has risen to at least 75 people, authorities said Wednesday, after a fuel tank truck exploded in Rond-Point Samari, Cap-Haitien, Haiti’s second largest city.

Sixty people died on the scene while the other 15 succumbed to injuries at the hospital. Victims were transported to Justinien University Hospital, Haiti’s Baptist Convention Hospital in Cap-Haitien and to hospitals in Hinche and Mirebalais. Six patients were also airlifted to a Doctors Without Borders health facility in Tabarre, Port-au-Prince.

Of those taken to the hospital, about a dozen succumbed from their injuries as the day wore on, bringing the death toll to 75.

Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who is in Cap-Haitien, said on Twitter that emergency funds have been released and that his government will make plans for a national funeral.


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