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How Lamb of God’s ‘The Duke’ Helped Save a Man With Leukemia


The power of music is incredible sometimes — Lamb of God‘s 2016 song “The Duke” has helped save a man with leukemia this week.

The song was originally written about a man named Wayne Ford, who was a fan of Lamb of God, and died of leukemia in 2015. When the band released the song and its accompanying EP the following year, they also helped spread awareness about an organization called Be the Match, which is operated by the National Marrow Donor Program, to match bone marrow and blood donors with blood cancer patients.

According to a slideshow of photos Randy Blythe posted on Instagram today (Dec. 23), a man named Todd Seaman from Arkansas registered with Be the Match after hearing “The Duke” five years ago, and earlier this year, he received a notice that he’d been matched with a 65-year-old man in Virginia who has leukemia.

Blythe met Seamen and his father Scott in Washington D.C. earlier this week to show them around the city and enjoy a dinner together. The next day, Seamen went to the clinic and donated a bag of stem cells and a bag of plasma for the patient he’d been matched with.

“As you read this, the leukemia patient is receiving Todd’s donation. Right this very second, that man is receiving the best Christmas present ever — a second chance at life,” Blythe wrote. “To say that I am honored to have been a small part of this is a massive understatement. Yesterday Todd said, ‘Dude — Lamb of God saved someone’s life today.’ I said, ‘No, you saved someone’s life today. Lamb of God just helped you a little.'”

“Thank you Todd, for letting us know that what we do matters. These were two of the greatest days of my life.”

Blythe took several photographs of Seaman receiving the procedure. See the full post below, and check out Be the Match’s website to learn how you, too, can potentially help save someone’s life.

14 Rock + Metal Artists That Give Back

These artists do so much to give back to a wide variety of communities and causes.

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