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Moment teens are booted off a tram after they ‘tried to light a smoke’ and hurled abuse at driver


Tense moment teens are booted off a tram after they ‘tried to light a smoke’ and hurled abuse at driver

  • Aussies have jumped to the defence of a tram driver who removed three teens
  • Tram driver threw teenage boys off his vehicle when they became aggressive 
  • They had been asked to leave when they tried to smoke while inside the tram
  • After refusing one boy began yelling and cursing at the driver before kicked off 








Footage has emereged showing a tram driver throwing three boys off his vehicle after they were allegedly trying to smoke on board.

In the video, which was uploaded on Friday, a young man with a makeshift sling screaming at the driver as shocked onlookers watched.

The boys were reportedly ‘trying to have a smoke’ inside of the tram and were asked to leave before the chaos erupted.

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A video uploaded Friday showed a Melbourne tram worker kicking three teenagers off his tram in a physical altercation

When the boy with his arm in a makeshift sling began yelling at the tram driver, he4 initally closed the door separating him from the travellers.

The boy called the driver a ‘f**king dog’ and said they were on their way to the hospital.

He grew increasingly aggressive before the driver came out of his barricaded section and physically removed the boy and his two friends from the vehicle.

The boys continued to curse and began to put up a fight as the driver removed them.

The boys were reportedly ‘trying to have a smoke’ inside of the tram and were asked to leave before the incident

Commenters on the video applauded the driver’s efforts and said he did the right thing in throwing the boys off the tram.

‘Finally someone who isn’t scared of lanky little kids,’ one person wrote.

‘Good on him! tram drivers don’t deserve the abuse,’ another said. 

One of the boys with his arm in a makeshift sling began aggressively cursing at the tram driver and yelling he needed to ‘go to hospital’ before the driver removed them

‘That last guy wasn’t even with them he just grabbed a random eshay and tossed him,’ another commenter joked. 

However some commenters judged the tram driver for throwing out a teenager in need of medical care.

‘His screaming he needs a hospital with a broken arm, then throws him around….. yea so safe,’ a person wrote. 

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