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Necklaces said to ‘protect’ people from 5G mobile networks are found to be dangerously radioactive 


Necklaces said to ‘protect’ people from 5G mobile networks are found to be dangerously radioactive

  • Jewellery advertised as protecting people from 5G was found to emit radiation
  • The Dutch nuclear safety authority issued a warning statement on its site
  • Ionising radiation can cause health problems if worn for prolonged periods 








Jewellery advertised to ‘protect’ people from 5G has been found to expose wearers to radiation. 

The Dutch authority on nuclear safety and radiation (ANVS) yesterday issued a statement telling people to safely store one of then ten products it identified away and contact them if they possess one.

Tests found that the products, which include a sleeping mask, bracelet bands and necklaces, contain radioactive materials and are therefore continuously emitting ionising radiation.

A pendant advertised to ‘protect’ people from 5G has been found to expose wearers to radiation

One of the bracelets listed was intended for wear by children.  

The statement said: ‘Exposure to ionising radiation can cause adverse health effects. 

‘Due to the potential health risk they pose, these consumer products containing radioactive materials are therefore prohibited by law.

‘Ionising radiation can damage tissue and DNA and can cause for example a red skin. 

‘Only low levels of radiation have been measured on these specific products. However, someone who wears a product of this kind for a prolonged period ( a year 24 hours a day) could expose themselves to a level of radiation that exceeds the stringent limit for skin exposure that applies in the Netherlands.

‘To avoid any risk the ANVS calls on owners of such items not to wear them from now on.’

A bracelet which claims to help against 5G with 'negative ions'

A bracelet which claims to help against 5G with 'negative ions'

A 'fit and slim silicone bracelet' from Magentix

A 'fit and slim silicone bracelet' from Magentix

Tests found that the products, which include a sleeping mask, bracelet bands and necklaces, contain radioactive materials and are therefore continuously emitting ionising radiation

The site has listed the full list of products they have identified.

It has also warned not to throw the accessories away with regular waste as they have to be disposed of using different methods due to the radiation. 

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), there are to date no adverse health effects ‘causally linked with exposure to wireless technologies’.

Last year a scientific study confirmed that 5G is ‘harmless and benign’ in response to conspiracy theorists who claimed the next-gen network caused disease.

US researchers who investigated the effects of radio-frequency radiation generated by the ultra-fast mobile internet revealed that it has negligible health impacts.

The study followed several 5G masts being vandalised during the lockdown in 2020 following unfounded conspiracy theories saying the form of wireless communication causes Covid-19. 

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