Young Journalist Prize awarded to six Haitians



PORT-AU-PRINCE — Three Haitian journalists are among the six winners of the 2021 Young Journalist Prize in Haiti, which is organized by the International Organization of La Francophonie, (OIF).

The Young Journalist Prize in Haiti was launched in 2015 to encourage and promote French-speaking Haitian reporters ages 18 to 35. 

The awards ceremony took place on Nov. 10 at the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) in Haiti. The seventh edition of the competition was organized around the theme, “Haitian society facing climatic, environmental and health risks.”

“By choosing this theme, the partners of the prize wanted the candidate journalists to explore, through their reports, the actions and reactions of Haitian society in the face of these climatic, environmental and climatic risks,” said Emnanuel Adjovi, OIF’s representative for the Caribbean and Latin America.

Six candidates — two from each category — were selected out of more than 30 applicants across the categories of print, radio and television. Winners will receive an internship in major media in Europe.

In the print category, Germina Pierre Louis of Le Nouvelliste and Radio Magik 9, won first place for her report, “L’enfer des sargasses”.

For radio, Peterson Luxama of Caribbean Radio television (RTVC) was awarded first for his report, “Cité Michel ou la menace silencieuse.” 

Ronel Paul of Zoom Haiti News won the first place in the audiovisual category for his report “Cohabiter avec des déchets sauvages”

Journalists Katia Jean François, Jean Samuel Mentor and Shylène Pemplin were awarded second place in the categories of print, radio and audiovisual, respectively.


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